I started web designing since 2005! At then I was only 14 years old, but I knew the impact of computer and technology on people's everyday life! So I made each day count to equip myself with it!
After learning more about web designing and web developing, I started freelancing, and then started building some frontend and backend products in order to make a living. Well, I love my job, but I also love music and singing... So that's why since 2012 or so, I also started learning more about music and wrote some lyrics too.
As a kid, I was always wondering what is the truth? Who's God? And who we really are? So in 2017 somehow magically by chance, I was introduced to a whole new world of mysticism! I suddenly realized that all of my philosophic, scientific, and religious questions are going to be answered gradually and one by one! Since then I'm still learning and improving my soul in such path.
More about my proffession
I love design! Whether it's graphic design, web design, web development, UX design, and UI development... I fit just right in! Coding? I love HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP the most.
Working on a team? I feel at home with the teams who are agile! I'm comfortable in using UML diagrams to build better software systems and have a graphical way of describing what's going to be done. I also love using Scrum as the most popular agile development technique.
Web Designing? I have my own personal front-end framework, but also love the following tools: Bootstrap framework, Yeoman scaffolding tool, Yarn package manager, Sass preprocessor, Babel JavaScript transcompiler, Gulp streaming build system, and more...
Web Developing? I love using Vue.js, Laravel MVC framework, and Composer package manager the most.
It doesn't matter where you live, if you know Web Designing & Web Developing, everyone likes you, wants you, and needs you, indeed! And It doesn't matter what happens in your life, if you fail again and again, you don't lose anything, because you simply can't lose the knowledge that has been injected into your brain, vein, and soul!
And what I love the most? Giving back what I already know to the community by producing cool products and teaching the technologies.
I established MyThemeIsReady in 2013, because I was in love with web designing & developing so much, that I couldn't do all I had in mind just alone! So I needed to gather a group of some cool dudes and dudettes passionate about what I'm passionate about, so that we can help each other, hand in hand, take our part in the community and make the web technologies richer by providing standard, light weight, easy to use, and proffesional libraries and products all done in HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP.
MyThemeIsReady ultimate goal? Baking delicious Plugins, Templates, and Themes. Like to learn more about MyThemeIsReady? Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Framework 8 Project
In 2017 MyThemeIsReady decided to invest in a project called "Framework 8". Our goal was to develop an all-in-one comprehensive modular frontend framework which not only has all of the goodies that some popular frameworks such as Bootstrap has to offer, but also makes use of the popular utility JS and CSS libraries all together, and brings an ultimate solution for designing and developing websites & web apps easy, fast, and affordable.
What is it?
Open source frameworks are awesome, but for building a rich featured website or web app, they just don't work out! Free or paid website builder solutions are also not an option when you need unique features for your projects! So you need to spend lots of time and money to build your own personalized web design or web app. Now that's just when Framework 8 comes in! It takes away the hassle of finding, bringing, and customizing useful utilities from here and there in order to just start a project!
So where is the Framework? Well, due to some personal issues, we had to stop developing the beast for a while... But we just started the engines again! So it is under construction at the moment! We will let you know whenever it's out there into the wild.
- It's a combination of the most experienced JS and CSS libraries, all in one place, all working together like brothers and sisters.
- It's modular! You can break it into little pieces and pick up the features you like.
- It's a framework which we or you can use to build variaty of website or web app templates and themes.
- And although we call it a frontend framework, it still provides some useful PHP utilities as well! Such as sending emails, registering users to newsletter lists, or showing Twitter feeds.